<div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/xnimrodx" title="xnimrodx">xnimrodx</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/"         title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a> is licensed by <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b…

 Production policy

As of October 2019 we are introducing a production policy. When using RB Doors & Joinery you will be provided with a free quote. Should you wish to order based off our quotation, the order will not enter the factory until all details have been signed off. A production order acknowledgement will then be sent out with contact details of both the site and the office. All details of the order will be included with a rough delivery week and lead time. If there are any issues with this please do not hesitate to contact us.